

Potchefstroom – Water Infrastructure Survey Navah Crouse, Dec 9, 2024 Delta Scan was tasked with leveraging its expertise in civil engineering design services, specifically in municipal infrastructure, to support the project. The company was expected to navigate...
Kolobeng Bridge

Kolobeng Bridge

Kolobeng Bridge – Condition Assessment Navah Crouse, Dec 9, 2024 Botswana’s Ministry of Transport and public works broke ground on the A10 road expansion project on the 24th of September 2024. The aim is to increase the 2-lane carriage way to a 4 way carriage...
Park Station

Park Station

Park Station – Digitisation Navah Crouse, Dec 9, 2024 Delta Scan was appointed by the professional team representing Prasa for the inspections and investigations at Park Station, Johannesburg, South Africa. The Station where it is currently located was built in...
Kusile Power Station, RSA

Kusile Power Station, RSA

Kusile Power Station, RSA Delta Scan used as inspection consultant for Eskom Kusile Power station Assessments Delta Scan was appointed as the lead inspection team for the flue collapse at Eskoms Kusile power station. Kusile Units 1, 2, and 3 were offline for nearly a...
Durban Floods and Looting

Durban Floods and Looting

Project: The Durban Floods and Looting Delta Scan deployed drones equipped with laser scanners and ROGB cameras, as well as thermal cameras to inspect the effected areas The effects of the Durban floods and looting has been nothing short of devastating to its...