Delta Scan Earth Day 2024

Delta Scan Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024 Happy Earth Day 2024 from Delta Scan!! The 22nd of April 2024 is International Earth Day.  The main intention of Earth Day is to promote environmental protection and sustainability around the globe. The video below explores the making of the...
Commercial Façade Inspections

Commercial Façade Inspections

Commercial Façade Inspections and Mapping In the fast-paced world of modern architecture & construction, commercial Façade inspections help maintain the structural integrity of commercial buildings; this is paramount for their stability. Façade inspections,...
Data Security and Privacy in Survey Digitisation

Data Security and Privacy in Survey Digitisation

Data Security and Privacy in Survey Digitisation: Safeguarding Your Data In the age of digitisation, the Paramount Role of Data Security in essential. Surveying data is the lifeblood of the surveying industry. From topographic maps to 3D models, the information that...
Overcoming Surveying Challenges

Overcoming Surveying Challenges

Overcoming Surveying Challenges: Transforming Surveying, Delta Scan’s Solutions to Common Pain Points Surveying has long been an essential practice in various industries, from construction to environmental management. However, it has often been plagued by pain...
The Future of Surveying with a Hybrid AI Approach

The Future of Surveying with a Hybrid AI Approach

The Future of Surveying with a Hybrid AI Approach: The surveying industry is standing at the threshold of a remarkable transformation. It is driven by the dynamic interplay between human expertise and artificial intelligence. In this blog, we explore how the Future of...
Volumetric Analysis: Calculating Earthworks Efficiently

Volumetric Analysis: Calculating Earthworks Efficiently

Volumetric Analysis: Calculating Earthworks Efficiently Here we examine Counting the Cubes: The Significance of Volumetric Calculations in Site Development. Site development, whether for construction, mining, or land management, involves various aspects. Among these,...